Welcome to Inner Knowledge Wellness!

Nutritional Therapy with Nutrigenomic Testing

Natutional therapy is considered to be an alternative form of medicine. It is also widely recognised throughout the medical world today that good nutrition and diet is crucial for maintaining health and wellbeing. Nutritional therapy is an evidence-based, therapeutic approach to improves health conditionstand their associatioed symptoms via specifically tailored diet and lifestyle plan that consists of customised nutrition, effective exercise and stress reduction.

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assorted fruits in bowl

Nicole Song, Nutritional therapist, naturopath

As a registered nutritional therapist and naturopath, my interest in natural health and healing began over 15 years ago when I started learning various natural healing and complementary therapies to heal my own chronic fatigue and autoimmune issues. I became qualified to practice hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and NLP. It was during my clinical practice that I realised the unequivocal connection between the body and the mind in terms of human health and optimal development. I then went on to gain a number of certifications in raw foods nutrition. These studies have further piqued my interest in the area of nutritional health and wellbeing. I then embarked on a practitioner course at the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) and received qualification in Nutritional therapy and naturopathy. I am also a qualified 500-hour yoga teacher and Vedic lifestyle coach.

I aim to incorporate all these interdisciplinary skills to provide the best support to assist my clients to achieve their own unique health and wellbeing goals and live a fuller, more joyous life.

tilt shift lens photography of fruits in drinking glass
tilt shift lens photography of fruits in drinking glass

How to work with me

I offer a 3 step consultation package to all my nutritional clients.

  • Pre-assessment: You will be invited to complete a dietary and lifestyle questionnaire whereby I will be able to identify the applicable therapeutic approaches and the most suitable nutrigenomics testing. This step is offered free of charge.

  • Initial consultation: During this 90 minutes session, we will be able to discuss in detail the results of your nutrigenomics testing and identify the specific dietary, lifestyle and supplementation requirements for your particular constitution in relation to your health and wellness concerns. This process culminates in an individually tailored plan which will be both applicable and holistic.

  • Follow-up: This 60 minutes session is usually booked 4-6 weeks after your initial consultation and is mainly used to assess how well the plan fits and to make any necessary adjustments.

Feel free to contact me to arrange a no obligation pre-assessment

to discuss your health and wellness needs.